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POWER AUTHORITY TRUST: Exploring Vulnerability and Caribbean Leadership
Thursday, October 19, 2023 to Saturday, October 21, 2023
Category: Group Relations Conferences

Caribbean Group Relations Consulting  Ltd. is pleased to invite you to a Leadership “experiential”  conference,  POWER AUTHORITY TRUST: Exploring Vulnerability and Caribbean Leadership, on October 19th to 21st  2023, at  The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Social Sciences, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.  http://caribbeangroupconsulting.com/conference/

This learning event is leadership intensive,  for those keen to understand and develop a deeper understanding of: Leadership and how to work more skilfully in role presence, how it is experienced and what it means in the context of leadership roles in organizations and society; Authority, its exercise, and how groups affect an individual in role.

We  anticipate that participants will experience how Leadership, Authority and Group Dynamics surface in our institutions and its impact on outcomes, productivity, service  and investment return.  

Participants are able to study their own and others' behaviour as it happens in the different events. There is always consultancy available in the events, but each member uses their authority to accept what proves useful learning and reject what is not. Through this process members can reconsider the way that they gain or lose power and exercise their authority in various systems in everyday life.

This  6th Caribbean Group Relations Conference is authorised by Caribbean Group Relations Consulting  Ltd.,  in partnership with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (UK) www.tavinstitute.org, and  the support of The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Social Sciences, St Augustine Campus, https://sta.uwi.edu/fss/ . 

The Tavistock Institute is responsible for the Journal of Human Relations which is published by Sage Publications.   

For more information please see the brochure: Leadershop-Training-Conference-2023-Brochure.pdf

Registration can also be found here:   http://caribbeangroupconsulting.com/conference/