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Hierarchies of the Collective Mind: Interpreting Information in a Dividing World
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA
Friday, March 31, 2017
Category: Group Relations Conferences

Hierarchies of the Collective Mind: Interpreting Information in a Dividing World is a Group Relations Conference in the Tavistock tradition that provides experiential learning about the dynamics of authority, leadership, power and justice as these dynamics rise, shift and flow above and below the surface over the life of the conference.  You will have opportunities to take different roles and learn how effective you and others are in exercising authority and leadership in a changing environment, and experience the impact your role-taking has on the development of organizational culture. Participants and staff together have an opportunity to study the hierarchies of the mind and implicit biases that assist and hinder how we collectively choose, organize, interpret, disseminate, create and act upon information.

 Together, we will experience and be accountable for the political impact that our collective actions and inactions have on systemic dynamics and the experience of justice. If you are concerned about these issues, if you want to explore the light and shadow side of leadership, if you want to develop your own capacity to authorize yourself and others to negotiate meaning: Join us!

Visit the website for more information:

Contact: [email protected]