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The Consultative Stance in the Context of the Small Study Group
The Austen Riggs Center
Stockbridge, MA
Friday, May 19, 2017 to Sunday, May 21, 2017
Category: Training Events

The Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems (CSGSS) is pleased to once again offer a weekend Training Workshop on the Consultative Stance as it is taken up in the context of a Small Study Group. 

The Workshop will provide hands-on opportunities to learn about the consultative stance and to develop and hone consultation skills, in the context of a Small Study Group.  The Workshop is open to any interested members who have had at least one Group Relations Conference experience.  The weekend will offer deep learning for participants through close observation, reflection, and feedback from the faculty.

For more information visit the website:

Contact: Lori Schweickert, Workshop Administrator: [email protected]